(2024)Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people IELTS CUE CARD

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people

You should say:

  • What it was?
  • Who you did it with?
  • How long it took you to do this?
  • And explain why you did it together?

Sample Answer-1

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people IELTS CUE CARD

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people IELTS CUE CARD


Embarking on a memorable journey of camaraderie, I once participated in a tree-planting initiative with a group of friends. This eco-conscious endeavor not only contributed to the environment but also forged lasting bonds through shared purpose and collective action.

What it was?

It involved planting saplings in a designated area, contributing to the local green cover and environmental sustainability. The activity aimed to create awareness about the significance of preserving nature.

Who you did it with?

Engaging in this green venture, I was accompanied by a close-knit group of friends who shared a common commitment to environmental conservation. Together, we embraced the challenge of making a positive impact.

How long it took you to do this?

The tree-planting initiative spanned a day, wherein we collectively planted numerous saplings. The duration was well-spent, filled with purposeful actions and moments of shared accomplishment.

And explain why you did it together?

The decision to undertake this eco-friendly venture together stemmed from our collective passion for environmental causes. By joining forces, we not only multiplied our efforts but also experienced a sense of unity and fulfillment, fostering stronger bonds among us.

something that you did with someone/a group of people

Sample Answer-2

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people IELTS CUE CARD

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people IELTS CUE CARD


Engaging in a collaborative venture, I vividly recall organizing a charity drive with a group of friends. This heartwarming experience not only brought us together for a noble cause but also showcased the power of collective efforts in making a positive impact on the community.

What it was?

The initiative involved organizing a charity drive to collect essential supplies for underprivileged families. This altruistic endeavor aimed to address immediate needs within the community and spread kindness.

Who you did it with?

This compassionate endeavor was undertaken with a group of friends who shared a common commitment to social responsibility. Together, we formed a dedicated team, pooling our resources and enthusiasm for a shared cause.

How long it took you to do this?

The charity drive spanned over a week, involving meticulous planning, collection, and distribution of supplies. The duration allowed us to maximize our impact, ensuring that the assistance reached those who needed it the most.

And explain why you did it together?

The decision to embark on this charitable mission together was rooted in our collective desire to contribute to the welfare of the community. Working as a team not only multiplied our outreach but also created a supportive environment, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

something that you did with someone/a group of people

Follow-up Questions:

1.How do you get along with your neighbors?

Getting along with neighbors involves friendly interactions, mutual respect, and occasional community participation, such as neighborhood events or initiatives.

2.How do neighbors help each other?

Neighbors often extend help through small gestures like lending household items, offering assistance in times of need, or participating in communal activities that benefit the neighborhood.

3.Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than in the city?

The frequency of neighborly help can vary, but the sense of community and cooperation tends to be more pronounced in the countryside due to close-knit communities.

4.How do children learn to cooperate with each other?

Children learn cooperation through play, group activities, and collaborative tasks. Schools and extracurricular activities play a vital role in instilling teamwork and mutual understanding.

5.Do you think parents should teach children how to cooperate with others? How?

Absolutely, parents play a crucial role in teaching cooperation by encouraging teamwork, resolving conflicts, and emphasizing the importance of sharing and empathy.

6.Do you think it’s important for children to learn about cooperation?

Yes, learning about cooperation is fundamental as it cultivates essential social skills, empathy, and the ability to work harmoniously in diverse settings, setting a foundation for a balanced and cooperative society.

something that you did with someone/a group of people

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something that you did with someone/a group of people

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