(2023)Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with-IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with

You should say:

  • Who this person is
  • When you studied/worked with this person
  • What you did together
  • What this person did to become successful
  • And explain how you felt about studying or working with this person

Sample Answer-1

Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with-IELTS cue card
Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with-IELTS cue card


I’d like to share the story of a good friend of mine, Rohan, who I had the privilege of studying with during our 12th-grade year. Rohan’s path to success is truly extraordinary.

Who this person is:

Rohan is a close friend of mine, and we’ve known each other since our early school days. He’s an exceptional individual with a passion for entrepreneurship.

When you studied/worked with this person:

We were classmates and study buddies during our 12th-grade year. We navigated the challenges of board exams and college entrance preparations together.

What you did together:

Rohan and I spent countless hours studying together, solving problems, and discussing various subjects. We supported each other through the highs and lows of our academic journey.

What this person did to become successful:

Rohan’s success story revolves around his determination and innovative mindset. After completing his education, he founded a tech startup called “TechPulse,” specializing in app development. His willingness to take risks, adapt to changing market trends, and relentless hard work has been key to his success.

How you felt about studying or working with this person:

Studying and working alongside Rohan was not only educational but also motivating. His dedication to his goals and his ability to turn challenges into opportunities were truly inspiring. It’s no surprise that he has achieved the success he dreamed of.

Sample Answer-2

Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with-IELTS cue card
Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with-IELTS cue card


Well, today I’d like to talk about a truly remarkable individual I had the privilege of studying with during my time in college. The person I’m going to discuss is none other than Mr. Rahul Sharma.

Who this person is:

Mr. Rahul Sharma is a dynamic and accomplished entrepreneur who has made a significant mark in the tech industry. He is the co-founder and CEO of a successful startup called “TechGenius,” known for its cutting-edge innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

When you studied/worked with this person:

I had the opportunity to study alongside Mr. Rahul Sharma during my undergraduate years at a prestigious engineering institute in India. We were in the same batch, pursuing our Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.

What you did together:

During our time at college, we collaborated on several academic projects and coursework related to our field of study. Rahul was not only a brilliant student but also an excellent team player. We often worked late into the night, brainstorming ideas, coding, and troubleshooting together.

What this person did to become successful:

Rahul Sharma’s journey to success is truly inspirational. He possessed a relentless passion for technology and an unyielding work ethic. He and his co-founders started TechGenius right after graduation, pouring their heart and soul into developing innovative software solutions. Their dedication, perseverance, and ability to adapt to changing market trends played a pivotal role in the company’s success.

How you felt about studying or working with this person:

Studying and working with Rahul was an incredible experience. His intelligence, humility, and willingness to share knowledge were admirable. It was evident that he was destined for success, but he remained down-to-earth and approachable. Being in his company not only enhanced my academic knowledge but also instilled in me a deeper sense of determination and ambition.

Follow-up Questions:

1.Is money the only measure of success in your country?

– Money is certainly one measure of success in my country, but it’s not the only one. Success can also be gauged by factors like personal fulfillment, societal contributions, and the achievement of one’s goals.

2.How do you define whether one is a successful person?

– In my opinion, a successful person is someone who achieves their goals, be it in their career, personal life, or contributions to society. Success is about realizing one’s aspirations and finding contentment in those achievements.

3.What is the standard of success in your country?

– The standard of success in my country varies widely. While financial prosperity is often considered a marker of success, there is also a growing emphasis on education, innovation, and social impact as indicators of achievement.

4.Is there a contradiction between success and happiness?

– Not necessarily. Success and happiness can coexist, but it depends on how one defines success. Pursuing one’s passions and values often leads to a sense of fulfillment and happiness, which can be considered a form of success.

5.Is it easy to succeed in the national tests in your country?

– Succeeding in national tests in my country can be quite challenging, as the competition is fierce. It requires extensive preparation, dedication, and a strong academic foundation to perform well in these examinations.

6.What are the factors that influence students’ grades at school?

– Several factors influence students’ grades, including their study habits, access to resources, the quality of teaching, parental support, and their own motivation and effort. These factors collectively contribute to academic success.

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