(2023)Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions-IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions

You should say:

  • Who this person is
  • What this person does
  • How you knew him/her
  • And explain why you think his/her ideas or opinions are interesting

Sample Answer-1

Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions-IELTS cue card
Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions-IELTS cue card


Today, I’d like to introduce you to an individual whose ideas and opinions have always piqued my curiosity. This person is none other than my colleague and friend, Aryan. His remarkable ability to generate unique perspectives and ideas on various topics has left a lasting impression on me.

Who this person is:

Aryan is a software developer by profession, but his interests extend far beyond coding. He possesses a keen intellect that allows him to dive deep into various subjects, from technology and science to philosophy and art.

What this person does:

In his role as a software developer, Aryan creates innovative solutions to complex problems. However, his creativity doesn’t stop there. He is an avid reader and enjoys exploring diverse fields of knowledge. He often participates in intellectual discussions and debates, where his insights are highly valued.

How you knew him/her:

I first met Aryan when we joined the same software development team at our company. Over time, our shared projects and common interests led to a strong friendship. It didn’t take long for me to recognize his unique talent for generating thought-provoking ideas.

Why you think his ideas or opinions are interesting:

Aryan’s ideas and opinions are fascinating because they challenge conventional thinking and offer fresh perspectives. For instance, during a recent conversation about the future of artificial intelligence, he proposed a novel approach that combined ethics, psychology, and advanced technology. His innovative thinking not only impressed me but also sparked engaging conversations among our colleagues.

Sample Answer-2

Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions-IELTS cue card
Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions-IELTS cue card


Today, I’d like to introduce you to an individual who never ceases to amaze me with their innovative ideas and unique perspectives. This person is none other than my close friend, Rahul. His ability to think outside the box and offer fresh insights is truly remarkable.

Who this person is:

Rahul is a marketing professional, and he approaches his work with a creative flair that sets him apart. He’s not just your average marketer; he’s a visionary who constantly seeks new ways to engage audiences and make a lasting impact.

What this person does:

In his role, Rahul is responsible for developing marketing campaigns and strategies for various clients. What makes him stand out is his knack for infusing creativity into every project. He’s an avid writer and painter in his free time, which adds a unique artistic dimension to his ideas.

How you knew him/her:

I first met Rahul during our college years, where we were both pursuing degrees in business. Over time, our shared classes and interests brought us together, and we’ve been close friends ever since. His fascinating ideas and opinions have been a constant source of inspiration for me.

Why you think his ideas or opinions are interesting:

Rahul’s ideas and opinions are nothing short of captivating because he has the rare ability to blend the analytical and creative aspects of his mind. For example, in a recent discussion about sustainable marketing practices, he proposed a groundbreaking concept that combined data-driven strategies with artistic storytelling. This innovative approach not only impressed me but also had a significant impact on our class.

Follow-up Questions:

1.When do you think children start to have their own opinions?-

– Children typically begin to form their own opinions around the age of 6 or 7, as they gain a better understanding of the world and start to express their thoughts independently.

2.Are children’s opinions influenced by their parents?

– Yes, children’s opinions are often influenced by their parents during their formative years, as parents play a crucial role in shaping their values and beliefs.

3.Who are smart children likely to be influenced by?

– Smart children are likely to be influenced by a variety of sources, including their parents, teachers, peers, and the media. They tend to be critical thinkers who carefully evaluate different perspectives.

4.How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?

– Inventors and philosophers generate new ideas through a combination of creativity, research, and a deep understanding of their fields. They often seek inspiration from existing knowledge to create innovative solutions.

5.Are there only old ideas from books or previous writers?

– No, there are both old and new ideas. While many concepts build upon existing knowledge, there are constantly evolving ideas that push the boundaries of human understanding and progress.

6.What kind of people have lots of great ideas in your country?

– In my country, individuals with diverse educational backgrounds, access to resources, and exposure to various cultures are more likely to have a wealth of innovative ideas. Additionally, those who foster curiosity and open-mindedness tend to excel in generating creative concepts.

7.When do children begin to have their own ideas?

– Children typically begin to develop their own ideas as they grow and gain exposure to different experiences. This process usually begins during their early school years.

8.Why are there more differences between children and their parents?

– Increasing differences between children and their parents can be attributed to evolving societal norms, generational gaps, and the influence of external factors such as technology and globalization.

9.What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?

– Setting rules for children provides structure and guidance, helping them develop discipline and responsibility. However, excessive rules can stifle creativity and independent thinking if not balanced correctly.

10.Is there someone with good ideas that has changed many people’s lives?

– Yes, throughout history, numerous individuals, like Mahatma Gandhi and Steve Jobs, have had transformative ideas that changed the lives of millions, leaving an indelible mark on society.

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