(2023)Describe a park or a garden in your city-IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a park or a garden in your city

You should say:

  • When you often go there
  • Where it is
  • Who you often go there with
  • What it is like
  • And explain why you like to visit it

Sample Answer:-1


A garden is like a colorful and fragrant painting made by nature, a peaceful place to relax and feel happy among the flowers and plants. Today, I’m excited to share my thoughts on a picturesque park in my hometown, which is truly a haven of tranquility. This park occupies a unique and cherished spot in my heart.

When you often go there:

I find myself visiting this park quite frequently, particularly during the weekends and on my days off from university. It’s become a cherished routine for me to spend time there.

Where it is:

This remarkable park, known as “Nature’s Retreat Park,” is centrally located in the heart of our city. It’s easily accessible, situated just a short walk away from my university campus, making it a convenient escape.

Who you often go there with:

I often head to Nature’s Retreat Park with my close-knit group of college friends. We all share a profound appreciation for nature and enjoy spending quality time together in this serene setting. Additionally, I occasionally bring along my family when they visit, as it’s a place we all cherish.

What it is like:

Nature’s Retreat Park is a true gem in our city. It boasts expansive green lawns, meticulously landscaped gardens bursting with colorful blooms, and majestic trees providing ample shade. At the heart of the park, there’s a serene pond where graceful swans glide gracefully. The park also features well-maintained walking trails, comfortable benches, and a charming playground for children. It’s a harmonious blend of nature and recreation, providing respite from the urban hustle and bustle.

And explain why you like to visit it:-

There are several compelling reasons why I’m drawn to this park. Firstly, it serves as a peaceful escape from the cacophony and pollution of city life, offering a breath of fresh air and tranquility. Secondly, the natural beauty and serene ambiance help me de-stress, rejuvenate, and refocus my mind. Lastly, Nature’s Retreat Park symbolizes the importance of preserving green spaces in our urban landscape, reminding me of our responsibility to protect and cherish the environment.

Nature’s Retreat Park is not just a park; it’s a sanctuary where I find solace, bond with loved ones, and rekindle my connection with nature. It’s a place that encapsulates the essence of my hometown, and I’m grateful to have it as a part of my life.

Sample Answer:-2



In a garden, nature’s beauty blooms all around, creating a tranquil haven where you can find peace and joy. Today, I’d like to share with you a charming place in my city, which is none other than the “Blossom Park.” It’s a delightful spot that holds a special place in my heart.

When you often go there:

I find myself visiting Blossom Park quite regularly, especially on weekends. It’s a perfect escape from the daily grind.

Where it is:

Blossom Park is conveniently located in the heart of our city, nestled amidst the urban hustle and bustle. It’s like a tranquil oasis amid the concrete jungle.

Who you often go there with:

I often go to Blossom Park with my family and friends. It’s a great place for bonding, enjoying picnics, and creating lasting memories.

What it is like:

Blossom Park is a natural gem within the city. It features lush green lawns, colorful flower beds, and a serene pond with graceful swans. There are meandering pathways shaded by tall trees, offering a respite from the sun. The park is impeccably maintained, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of flowers.

And explain why you like to visit it:

From an everyday perspective, many people adore Blossom Park because it offers a brief escape from the demands of city life. It’s a place to connect with nature, savor fresh air, and recharge.

In my case, I am particularly drawn to it because it allows me to unwind, soak in the natural beauty, and momentarily forget about life’s pressures. It’s a peaceful haven where I can escape the chaos and reconnect with the simplicity of nature. Whether it’s lounging by the pond, reading a book under a shady tree, or sharing a picnic with friends, Blossom Park caters to everyone’s desires.

Follow Up Questions:

1.Do young people like to go to parks?

– No, some young people may not prefer going to parks, as they may find indoor activities or urban attractions more appealing.

2.What do old people like to do in parks?

– Older people often find pleasure in parks by engaging in activities such as leisurely walks, sitting and conversing with friends, reading newspapers, birdwatching, and sometimes even practicing yoga or meditation for relaxation and health benefits.

3.What benefits can parks bring to a city?

– Parks in a city provide spaces for recreation and relaxation, promoting physical and mental well-being. They create a sense of community by hosting social activities and gatherings. Parks also offer environmental benefits by mitigating pollution and providing green spaces for wildlife. Additionally, they can boost property values and contribute to the city’s overall attractiveness.

4.What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?

– For young people, going to the park offers opportunities for physical activity, social interaction with peers, and a break from digital screens, promoting a healthier lifestyle and social skills.

Older individuals benefit from park visits by engaging in gentle exercises, enjoying the peaceful surroundings for relaxation, and fostering connections with their peers, contributing to physical and mental well-being. Parks provide a space for intergenerational activities, enhancing community bonds.

5.Why do some people like planting flowers?

– Some people find joy in planting flowers because it allows them to nurture and witness the beauty of nature, creating a sense of accomplishment and tranquility. Additionally, gardening can serve as a creative outlet for self-expression and stress relief.

6.Would you say people should help maintain public parks and gardens?

– Definitely, people should actively participate in maintaining public parks and gardens as it fosters a sense of community responsibility, ensures the longevity of these green spaces, and benefits everyone by preserving their beauty and functionality.

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